Albert Street Literary Trail
In September 1996 Brisbane City Council commissioned a series of 32 plaques as part of the completion of the Albert Street urban refurbishment. On these plaques the Albert Street Literary Trail was born. Quotes about Brisbane from 32 Queensland writers were chosen for the plaques. Running all the way down Albert Street, from King George Square to the City Botanic Gardens, the authors represented include Steele Rudd, Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker), Thea Astley, and David Malouf amongst others. A Map and list of all authors is available on the Archived Web Site, and there is also a guide available from the Museum of Brisbane. At the time, the quotes were chosen with the the contribution of the then Griffith University's Queensland Studies Centre . They assisted in selecting a cross section of authors and quotes for the trail. All are Queensland writers and most are from Brisbane. The plaques themselves were illustrated by artist Brona Keenan in collaboration with graphic designers Dot Dash and the Brisbane City Council's Urban Design Unit. They are cast in bronze.
If you search the Brisbane City Council's Public Artworks Database for "Albert Street Literary Trail" you can see digital photos of each of the actual plaques, as there are far too many to cover off in just this one post. Better yet, rather than look at pictures on the web, why not wander down to Albert Street and check out the plaques for yourself. Although not all are in the best condition, on most you can still enjoy the quotes. There's a range of coffee shops and restaurants where after you've chosen your favourite quote, you can sit down and read the book it comes from!
Cheers, I Love Brisbane, Wes.
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