Brisbane School of Arts
Located at 166 Ann Street, the Brisbane School of Arts is located in one of Brisbane's heritage buildings. It became the School in 1873 when it was bought for the then princely sum of 1,000 pounds. This was one of the precursors to the Queensland University of Technology, and it operated as the School of Arts through to 1965 when it was taken over by the Brisbane City Council. The building was originally known as the Servant's Home. It was established around 1865 when Lady Diamantina Bowen, wife of the first Queensland Governor, Sir George Ferguson Bowen, erected the building as a clearing house and hostel for new domestic servants who had been attracted to work in the Queensland colony. Today, the building is let to a number of community groups, and can be used as a venue for hire via the council.
I'm glad that within the city there remain these rare examples from the history of Brisbane. Although the European aspects of our nation don't have the 1,000+ years of history of many other cultures, when we do have these historic sites I'm glad they can be restored to former glories, particular in CBD locations. I'm also glad that Art and Community continue to have a home in the City!
Cheers, I Love Brisbane, Wes.
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Dear wes. This is a great old building. It has a real 'old queensland' feel - totally juxtaposed with the Mincom centre next door I think? I was actually going to ask you about this building! I particularly love the palm trees that surround it.
I have a vague recollection of reading in "Radical Brisbane" (available from the BCC library) about meetings for Brisbane's suffrage movement being held here. Emma Miller was a major part of many of these meetings. There was actually a statue of her at King George Square (before it was moved to make way for tunnel construction).
"Radical Brisbane" is a good book even if you aren't interested in the political angle - many of Brisbane's buildings feature. One that stands out in my mind is the old Government Printing Office in George Street.
Contratulations on the nomination!
I must admit I haven't read "Radical Brisbane" but from your description it sounds like it would be good for further understanding some of the intrigue of the City.
Thanks for the comments
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