Monday, May 14, 2007

Westpac Bank Building

On the corner of George Street and the Queen Street Mall at 33 Queen Street is the imposing Westpac Bank Building. Formerly the Bank of New South Wales Building, it is now home to a branch of the Westpac Bank. The six storey building houses not only the banking services, but a range of small to medium size business ranging from Realtors, Lawyers, Solicitors, Personnel Recruitment and Software companies throughout the Chambers.

Westpac Bank Building
The actual site of the building has been associated with banking since 1851. This building was constructed between 1928 to 1930 by Brisbane architects Hall and Devereux. Similar in style to the National Australia Bank down the street, the architecture is an an example of the neo-classical style used in other commercial and government buildings of similar scale and materials built during this period. The main facades comprise Helidon freestone as a stone facing on a base of Uralla polished granite. The facade also features four ionic columns which form a prominent and striking feature.

Westpac Bank Building
As a building on one of the main throughfares of the city, I imagine thousands of people walk past without giving this facade a second glance. After all, its a bank isn't it? Yet the building itself, and its architecture are so imposing and outstanding, that I find it amazing that you can walk passed without being overawed. Given the visual pollution of billboards and hoardings throwing glaring advertisements in garish colours at us, I love that a strong piece of architecture can remind us of where we've come from with the multi-cultural classical influences of our wonderful city in our historic buildings.

Cheers, I Love Brisbane, Wes.

Click Here for the Google Map Reference for this post.


  1. congratulations on your nomination. well deserved!

  2. That is a HUGE building, holy cow.

  3. I just did a google search and saw your post on the Westpac Bank Building or Bank of NSW building. I rent one of the office spaces in there. Its one of my favorites in Brisbane along with the NAB bank at the corner of Creek and Queen St and 130 Queen St, where Country Road is situated. Can I link to your blogpost of my blog?
