"Building Blocks of Life" is a sculpture located in the City Botanic Gardens. Created by sculptor Antone Bruinsma, it was gifted to the gardens in 1988. The imposing work features a traditional family, with the father protector stoically holding the mother and two young children under his protective and watchful eye. The mother is with the younger of the children, whilst the older child resides with inquisitive face and the large hand of the father. Standing over 2.4m high, it is sculpted in sandstone.
Antone Bruinsma is a Dutch born, Australian-based sculptor. Active as an artist for over twenty five years, he graduated from the Queensland College of Art in 1979. This work is reflective of his association with the Warana Festival (which became the Brisbane Festival) in the 1980's. To quote directly from his resume, I think this sums up his approach fantastically: "His sculptures are homages to Mother Earth and the gifts she bestows on us. He uses archetypal and mythological imagery, related to the environment and the community in which the sculptures will be placed."
Antone is quite an inspirational sculptor and has an obvious affinity with Queensland. His works can be found in many locations around Brisbane and the Great South East. He is an active community member, and I must agree by reviewing his works that he has enriched all of the areas which have had his works and sculptures on display. I love the way he has captured the essence of family within the sculpture, which I agree are truly the building blocks of life. I would highly recommend exploring his sculpture park in the Gold Coast hinterland at Cedar Creek, south of Brisbane.
Cheers, I Love Brisbane, Wes.
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The gardens look beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteOh I love that sculpture - thanks for so much information - and I am glad the gardens do indeed look beautiful!