Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Masonic Memorial Temple

The Masonic Memorial Temple is located at 309 Ann Street. It is the headquarters of the Freemason organisation in Queensland. With its foundation stone laid on Anzac Day, 25 April, 1928 it initially provided a masonic memorial to those who gave their lives in the first World War. The building was opened on 9th December 1930 in a spectacular ceremony. Since 1930 the hall has been the centre of Masonic activity in Queensland. It is the only dedicated Grand Hall in Australia which is capable of accommodating a Grand Installation. Free tours of the Ann Street Centre are conducted at 2pm Monday to Friday.

The architecture of the building was the result of a competition held in 1923 to produce a design for the temple. The plans of architect Lang Powell were chosen from 16 submissions. It is built in the Classical Greek Revival style, with significant symmetry used in the positioning of the columns and layouts both externally and internally. No expense seems to have been spared, with sandstone, bronze, leadlighting, Queensland timbers and marble used variously throughout. Largely local materials were used.

You can't help but notice this building walking down Ann Street, even with the construction occurring next door. Internally, the Hall of Remembrance with the central urn surrounded by the circular Tuscan columns is a site to behold. Externally the outstanding stonework and the indicative masonic square and compass readily identify the building as Masonic. I like the juxtaposition of the new work going on close to the old, and only hope that unlikely as it is, what they're building next door could come close to the architectural style of the temple.

Cheers, I Love Brisbane, Wes.

Click Here for the Google Map Reference for this post.


  1. Nice photos. I especially like the ones looking up. These old buildings have so much to show us, it is nice that they are being preserved and appreciated all over the world!


  2. ! walked past this building every work day for two years and never saw anyone enter or leave. Now I find out they run tours... go figure.
