I Love Brisbane. This travel and tourism blog aims to discover the hidden and not so hidden delights of Brisbane city, Queensland, Australia. On a regular basis, photos and articles of particular elements of the city are posted.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
The Tin Billy Band
Atop the tinbilly Travellers, a backpackers accommodation hostel, resides the Tin Billy Band. Located at 462 George Street, it is on the corner with Herschel Street and is very close to the Brisbane Transit Centre at Roma Street. What impresses me about the band is that they appear to have real instruments, including a trombone, violin, drums, and guitar. The band, led by who appears to be Mr Fourex, are all pretty cool dudes, and you have to love the ties.
The hostel offers a range of backpacker accommodation. Rates for shared rooms are quite cheap, and you can opt for dorms or your own room, which gets far more expensive. In addition, they have facilities such as communal cooking and dining, laundry, Internet access, travel office, cafe and bar. They also can help you find temporary work if you're looking for it.
I haven't been able to find out much detail on the actual artist of the sculpture, or the sculpture itself. I wasn't able to go in their today, due to having the kids with me. I might have to venture back to the pub to find out. I mean, how can you not love a pub that has The Simpsons on as their feature early viewing on Saturday and Sunday nights!
Cheers, I Love Brisbane, Wes.
Click Here for the Google Map Reference for this post.
What?! You can't go in pub there with kids either?! geez Louise, what our collective country's coming to? "The man" won't let us take our kids into pubs either. Ridiculious, I gotta say! :)