Monday, February 5, 2007

Memories of Wind

Another of the sculpture's in Kind Edward Park, which reaches between Turbot Street and Wickham Terrace, is Fumio Nishimura's Memories of Wind. This piece was originally part of the artwork from World Expo 1988, and was relocated to the park some time after the event. Created from granite at a height of 2 metres, it was originally loaned by the artist to the Expo in association with Gallery Seiho, Tokyo.

What strikes me about this piece is that it invokes in me thoughts of Hiroshima at the end of World War II. I have no idea what the original intention of the sculptor was, but in my imagination this represents an individual who was able to withstand the blast and wind which would have occurred with the bombing. To do so, they would have had to have been as strong as this granite statue, facing into the destruction and always to remember the memories of wind.

On the surface, you could easily pass this sculpture by with out much notice. With the considerations above, in me it does strike a strong emotive response due to my feelings about the futility of war.

Cheers, I Love Brisbane, Wes.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi there ... I just stumbled upon your blog from a comment you left on another blog, which I found from yet another blog ... long story. Anyway, your blog title caught my eye, because my husband and I are contemplating moving to Brisbane this year. From America. He's got a job offer there, and it's been an agonizing decision, to say the least. If you're interested, visit my "Amy Goes to Oz" blog at Maybe you've got some insight on Brisbane to offer! (Actually, we'd be in the Mooloolaba area, which is harder to find info on than Brisbane.) Most importantly, what's the weather like this time of year?!?
